TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the MG2007 trip 14-21 July, page 2
Muir Woods, Hwy 1, Fort Ross, Mendocino

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On Hwy 1 looking south towards the Bay

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Entrance to Muir Woods 

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Redwood information
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Walking among giants

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Looking up

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Reaching for the sky

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Susan by Salmon Creek

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Ferns by the creek
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Barry & Mike on trail

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Tight squeeze

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Unusual clump of redwood trees

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Inside a redwood

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Susan too
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and Mike

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From a 1000 yr old tree

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Muir Beach

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Homes overlooking ocean

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Salmon Creek empties into ocean
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Fog along Hwy 1

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View from the road

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Stopping at an overlook

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Barry close to the edge

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Barry & Susan in the mist
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Fort Ross

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History of Fort

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Walking along outer wall

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Beside a watchtower

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Opposite corner
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Barry walks by barracks/storage

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More buildings

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Large Eucalyptus tree
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View outside Fort

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Natural Harbor

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Another overlook

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Room with a view

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Walking in Mendocino

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View from restaurant

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Across the street

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Shops along the waterfront

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View towards ocean
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Alley by shops

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B&B with peace flag

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Water tower

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Patriotic tower

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Cute cottage
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Eclectic front yard

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Local museum

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Bank building

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Closer look at steeple

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Stopping at a winery
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Tasting room

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Mike & Barry tasting wine